Monday, November 9, 2015

              Veterans Day
 1. What is Veterans Day? 
Veterans Day is a day to honor U.S. veterans and victims of all wars. Congress accepted Veterans Day on 1926, but it became an official holiday in November 11, 2001.
2. What is the purpose of Veterans Day?
The purpose of Veterans Day is to celebrate the signing of the armistice. The armistice ended the World War 1 between hostilities between the Allied nations and Germany in 1918.

3. Why is it important to show honor on Veterans Day?
It is important to show honor In Veterans Day because these veterans fought for our nation and they risked their own life of our nation can have freedom.
4. When is Veterans Day?
Veterans Day takes place on the date of November 11.
5. What are a few ways to show honor and respect on Veterans DAY?
A few ways you can show honor and respect is by joining a parade and celebrating or thank god for having these veterans fighting and had fought for our nation.  
6. Pictures

Reflection: Veterans Day is an honored day for me because I have family members that are serving for this country, so we can have freedom. I thank my family members that are serving. I am proud to be an American. Hopefully I get to serve this country and get remembered as a veteran. 

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